Five authors were asked, ” What is it like to publish a book during a pandemic?”

It is my memoir. It is my debut book. Four years of writing, and rewriting. And it was to be launched at Baltimore’s Ivy Book Shop in the beginning of May.

“Shifra, the industry is shutting down for now. Let’s push the pub date for DARE TO MATTER to September,” said Dede Cummings, publisher of Green Writer’s Press.

“Dede, how about the audio book? It is ready. Can we launch just the audio book on time?”

And then publicist Ben Tanzer said, “Shifra, let’s discuss this. Are you sure we shouldn’t just postpone it all for September?”

Yes, I was sure. And unsure. And that was my usual pattern. It’s hard to know what the right choice will prove to be. But at this point, it registered for me as a strong choice, if not conventional. In fact, there was something exciting about doing it all differently. Since I have no expectations about how this should all unfold, I am willing to take the risk of doing this.

Let’s see what happens, yes?

Read the post about publishing a book during a pandemic here:

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