Shifra Malka, Circle Leader

Waiting for the world to tell you how you matter?

How about switching that around: The world is waiting for you to tell it how you matter.

This is one of the most exciting questions you will ever explore, even if one of the most intense!

In one of her recurring dreams, Shifra describes running around a large room pulling up the shades. When others told her to stop doing that, she replied simply, “I must let the light in.” She is continuously fascinated by the light and spectacular energy in the inner spaces we humans inhabit … because this is where the capacity for our power lives. Or dies.


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Author of the transformational memoir, DARE TO MATTER: Lessons in Living a Large Life and creator of the Power of Dare™ workshop, Shifra now offers the WomanSpeak™  curriculum to support people in building their capacity to fully show up into their lives. Aspiring authors and entrepreneurs are some of her favorite clients who seek her direction as they work to expand their vision and capacity to achieve it.

“I know it takes every bit of courage and confidence – that you may not yet have – to opt into your life and show up. As a WomanSpeak™ leader, I invite you to a refreshing and remarkable space where you will be fully held and heard, celebrated, and given the tools to emerge as the leader your world needs. To evoke the best and brightest in you. To let the light in, and out. Because what you have to say matters.”

Traveling a diverse professional path ranging from service as a doula, an experienced radio show producer and host, and a managing director of a philanthropic organization, Shifra currently serves as the vice-president of a writing and communications company assisting individuals, organizations, and businesses with crafting their messages. As an award-winning communicator whose messaging has been widely featured from greeting cards to radio commercials, Shifra distills the power of communication into one word: CONNECTION.

In her WomanSpeak™ circle, Shifra fosters this power for each woman to “connect the dots” for herself and then to present herself in a way that will deeply affect others. Both her leadership inside her professional circles and as a community activist (with past service for the Association for Women in Communications, Washington D.C. and current service on the board of an organization dedicated to helping singles meet and marry) has gifted her with the hard-earned wisdom to be able to help others turn information into transformation.

This world cannot wait! It is calling for the collaborative energy that we women have carefully cultivated and are so ready and able to bring to those in our growing orbit.

Power up your capacity to light up the world.

Here is a small gift to help you begin.

           Because until your light shines bright, this world isn’t whole.

Waiting for the world to tell you that you matter?

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