On a recent Southwest flight from LA to Baltimore, a particularly well-behaved passenger was on board . . . enjoying being part of the conversation as it was held by two flight attendants. Shifra Malka’s newly released memoir, DARE TO MATTER: Lessons in Living a Large Life delighted a mask-weary crew, especially as they glanced over Chapter 11/ Stress Rehearsal: Choosing a Mate.

Southwest is an excellent manifestation of daring to matter and living large. They usually do flying right. I do not work for them, but they work for me . . . they fly me where I need to go, giving me lots of luggage allowance and a good joke on the way off the plane. Occasionally, they dip their plane when flying over the Grand Canyon so that we can glimpse it. And once, the pilot agreed to wish a happy birthday to an unsuspecting relative who was flying with me. That relative, caught off guard and not comfortable with the spotlight, announced, “Shifra, you’ll be landing sooner than everyone else.”
DARE TO MATTER is a book focused on the meaning of mattering and how we build the large lives we know are waiting for us. It offers uplift to those who want to take flight in their lives, while staying grounded in our core values.